Invoking Ireland, Ailiu Iath n-hErend - An Introduction and a Response
Sophie Rieu
Invoking Ireland, Ailiu Iath n-hErend, was published in 2005, two years before John Moriarty’s death. A challenging, yet accessible and utterly enjoyable compendium of John’s familiar themes, beautifully interwoven through a re-telling and interpreting of myths, folk stories, poetry, Eastern and Western philosophy and spirituality, indigenous wisdom and Christian mysticism, it confronts the reader not so much in the complexity of its language — I found it, on the contrary, flowing with John’s wonderful musicality and story-telling gift — but in the breadth of its re-calling of Ireland’s past relationship with its people and the universal path of transformation it lays down for us all.
A very current and urgent read for the profound ecological and societal crises of our times, Invoking Ireland invites us on a journey in two books that harness Ireland’s distant mythical past to reclaim a ‘sovereignty’ that is not about dominance of the land to “subdue subjects and the natural world but as one whole person at peace and in harmony with the music of what is”.
John recalls and reinterprets to dismantle our clutching, destructive ways – but also to inspire. The “paradisal perception” celebrated in what he calls “Silver Branch Perception” alone should be cause to rejoice at the possibilities of infinite broadening of our perceptive field to welcome back, transform and rekindle what has been petrified, rejected and annihilated by the dominant modern reductionist paradigm.
What does the word ‘Invoking’ mean if not ‘calling on’ but also ‘imploring’ (invocare in Latin) and Ireland is this multidimensional Goddess, the land, personified by the great Goddesses and Gods of the Tuatha Dé Danann (The people of the Goddess Danu) as re-presented (brought back to present day time) by John Moriarty for us to mirror with, to be at one with?
Which presumes at least two questions to lay the foundation for what indigenous people call ‘being in right relationship’: who are we really and what reality can we perceive?
Like a Mananánn of the sea and the land, John brings us on a journey, a voyage or imram to explore these questions and break the spells that have blinded us to who we really are and what we can perceive. Like Bran who sails to the land he “had always lived in” after dying “to all habits of eye and mind”.
Interestingly Book I is entitled ‘Ireland, a Prophecy’, a word which could be defined as a message from the divine or from beyond our humanness channelled through a prophet or a poet. In this case the prophecies called upon have already been written and come to pass but John, through his ‘invoking’, poetically manifests the possibility of a reemergence of what was lost to heal humanity of its “wasting sickness”. Like the Tuatha Dê Danann hero Ogma who walked west “thru all inner and outer defences” to retrieve the music that was stolen from the land by the Fomorians.
Invoking Ireland is all about music and song. Amhairghin’s Song stands out as John reclaims this “Song of Ascent into Ireland” not as a conquering chant but as an ode that embraces and attunes to the music of the land just like Orpheus with his harp, just like the Tuatha Dé and their “Harp that harmonizes all things”.
Each chapter feels like a breath of a mystical ascension towards higher ground, “the divine ground or ungrund" ( “a German mystical term denoting the divine no-ground that grounds”), where “invoking Ireland” becomes an evocation of “Buddh Gaia” wholeness.
John opens his book with the famous battle of Magh Tuireadh or Tuired in old Irish, when two legendary tribes the Fomorians and the Tuatha Dé Dannann lay claim to Ireland. A bloodless battle where perception (what we see and don’t see) and music play crucial roles in restoring harmony to the land.
Click on the video for Sophie’s response to ‘Invoking Ireland, Ailiu Iath n-hErend’
John keeps referring to our song and the song of the land interchangeably with soul and Invoking Ireland often feels like a call for us, the Fomorians, who suffer from “a countrywide epidemic of forgetfulness and brutishness,” to remember our soul song, regain our sovereignty, and restore Ireland’s soul song, its Birdreign, its Énflaith referring to the reign of Conaire Mór, “when all things lived ecumenically with all things”.
In Book II, entitled ‘Ireland, Ultimately’ the invitation for “audacity of thought and action” culminates with the bringing together of some of the key figures of the great ‘pantheon’ of the Tuatha Dé Danann: Lugh, Danu, Macha, Crom Dubh, Dien Cecht, Manannán Mac Lir, healing and breathing the land alive while Christ stands as “the hero of total human inhabitation” through his karmic ecumenical integration across geological time and lineages.
Invoking Ireland chants a geographical, philosophical and spiritual awakening towards metanoesis, a word used by John Moriarty as “a compound of two Greek words, meta and noesis, meaning ‘beyond mental activity’.” He explains: “As the Chandogya Upanishad has it: ‘Where nothing else is seen, nothing else is heard, nothing else is thought about, there is Divine Plenitude.’” Just as the Tuatha Dé are “of one mind with the wind and the rain”, so at one with the land they are “transparent” to it.
Because John Moriarty lays the ground for a radically different way of in-habiting and relating with the land, Invoking Ireland is also political but only in the sense that it invites us away from politics’ apprehensive or clutching, dominating habits: “Let us not be content with a republic let us reinstitute the Énflaith”.
We must shed what in our humanness deprives us from being at one with “the way of Bear’s bed and Wolf’s bed” and yield to a reality free from our ‘apprehensive’ perception: “evict apprehensiveness from your hand and reality will be to hand.”
John’s own exquisite musicality as a wordsmith and lover of song, like an Orpheus playing his harp-like lyre infuses each page and I for one fell under its profuse evocative charm. Each time I read and re-read a page something in me lights up with awe, wonder, soulful recognition, with long silences of inner and outer knowing and unlearning raising me away from the boundaries of the ego. If we yield to the music of his poetical prose, if we rise up to his passionate challenging, John raises us to higher grounds just like the wolves raised Cormac mac Airt beyond the confines of his human habit, to integrate the multidimensional aspects of his humanity.
Like a hawk with peripheral vision John transports the reader into the timeless spaciousness of folk tales and myths, “walking back into eternity” following the river Boann to its source at Connla’s well, between the breasts of Danu where “it is as absence that you are present”, to Scelec (Skellig in Old Irish) Mór where we perceive through the minds of the first Christian hermits, or he hones in on reflective dialogues between Bran and a druid, Bran and Patrick, between Yeats and Maud Gonne.
Far from being an unrealistic fantasy in praise of some form of nostalgic nationalism, Invoking Ireland is a relevant antidote for the dark and turbulent times we live in because it asks: Can we have the audacity to set out “on the most perilous of adventures, the adventure of being what we are, human beings for whom our humanity is a conscious choice?” Can we have the courage to set out “on the most difficult of voyages, the voyage to where we are” singing our “Song of God”?
Please click on the audio file below to hear Sophie’s reflection on ‘Invoking Ireland’.
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